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Basketball Program

Registration is now open for tryouts for our 2025 Spring Travel Basketball season! Click on the link above to register for tryouts!

For more information please visit our Travel basketball page

How the Basketball Program is Organized

The cities of Brooklyn Park & Brooklyn Center, MN form the BPAA Basketball Program, offering House League competition from Kindergarten through 12th grade for boys and girls.

Our basketball program is organized into the following three groups, please visit their individual page for more information.

BPAA Basketball is a house league which emphasizes equal playing time and good sportsmanship.

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2024-25 Parent Meeting Materials

If you were unable to attend the parent meeting on 10/24, here are the materials we covered.

Basketball News

No news currently found.

It is expected that parents/fans refrain from coaching or shouting out instructions from the stands.

Parents are encouraged to cheer, clap and make short/positive comments during a game.  However, we must leave the coaching to the head coach and the assistant coach on the bench.

This is important for a number of reasons, but most importantly it’s hard enough to get the players to hear their coaches voice and instructions. When you add a gym full of parents shouting out instructions, it gets really difficult for the players to hear and/or process what their coach is saying.

Second, sometimes parents yell out instructions that contradict what the coach is telling their player to do.

Third, parents yelling out instruction becomes contagious. It happens all the time. It starts out with one well intentioned parent (or grandparent) yelling instructions and before you know it several other chime in and it’s just a blur of too many voices.

The players need ONE voice giving instruction and that is their coach.

We realize that this can be very hard for some parents to do.  We have likely all been there. And we realize that sometimes the instruction is helpful and you’ll see something the coaches are missing. But the negatives of allowing this clearly out-weigh the positives.  So we encourage you to relax, have fun, and cheering for your team.

~ Breakthrough Basketball