Opening Ceremonies will begin at 9:00am on Saturday May 5. Check your team’s schedule to find what time your team plays on Saturday.
As previously announced, our rescheduling of Opening Day to May 5 forces us to also change locations to Noble Sports Park in Brooklyn Park. This is the softball complex on the north side of Highway 610, just west of the Noble Parkway exit, which is typically used for adult softball.
That same day, there will also be a soccer tournament taking place at Noble Sports Park. At times during the day (particularly during our Opening Ceremonies), this may cause parking in the park’s main lot to be tight. However, there is a Park-and-Ride lot and ramp directly east of the complex, with easy access via a footbridge into the softball fields. (See the map linked here for parking options.) We encourage you to use the Park-and-Ride for easy parking!
PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE ST. GERARD CHURCH PARKING LOT! That is private property, and we do not know what events they may have scheduled for that day which need that space. PARK ONLY IN THE NOBLE SPORTS PARK PARKING LOT, OR IN THE PARK-AND-RIDE LOT/RAMP.