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Welcome to Brooklyn Park Baseball!!!

Established in 1965 our Association seeks to provide a community and volunteer-driven program to promote the growth and development of our players. Our Association works to promote a fun, fair, and safe environment that maximizes participation and improves players' skills while developing sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-confidence.

As noted above, BPBA is an ALL-Volunteer Organization.  We encourage parents and spectators to attend our monthly Association Meetings to offer input and hear what is happening.  Please remember to respect all decisions made by the Baseball Board and by members who come to our Association Meetings to help us decide on items within the Organization.


2025 Season Registration is LIVE

2025 Dates

Registration Opens

1/5 Traveling Coach Application Deadline
TBD Coaches clinic hosted by Brian Raabe @ BPCAC 7pm (Gardenview Room)
1/26 9/10AL Coach Application Deadline
2/7 Traveling and 9/10AL Registration Deadline
2/10 Tryouts 5:30-9:00 pm @ BP Dome (10U Travel, 11U Travel, 12U Travel)
2/12 Tryouts 5:30-9:00 pm @ BP Dome (11U Travel, 12U Travel, 14U Travel, 15U Travel)
2/19 Travel Team Formation
2/26 9/10AL team formation
3/31 House Registration Deadline (5-15 yr old) Exception 9/10AL is 2/9
4/2 Parent Meeting 7:00pm / House Teams released (BPCAC Gardenview Room)
4/21 Coaches Meeting 7:00pm (BPCAC Gardenview Room 3)
TBD Team Pictures
4/30 Senior league (16-19) Registration Deadline
5/3 OPENING DAY (10am @ Northwoods)
5/16-5/18 BP Invite (Traveling team tournament)
5/30-6/1 House Mid Season Tournament
6/27-6/29  House End of Season Tournament
6/30 All Star Game (8/9NL, 9/10AL, 11/12NL)

League Email Address

Mailing Address:

PO Box 43206
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

Tammy Hoff

BPBA President

Opening Day 2025


Not Getting BPBA Email Blasts?

BPAA sends email blasts to all parents from time to time. Examples are updates about the parent meeting and volunteering with DIBS. You should login to SportNgin with the primary parent account attached to your player. Once logged in, click the down arrow button next to the account name in the upper left and choose Profile. Now click the Add button in the Linked Accounts tool in the bottom left of the page. In the popup window, click the link “add a secondary email to your account” and enter another email. Now everyone will receive the BPAA emails.

Game status

Rain, Rain Go Away

Notes on what to do if it rains while you are at the field:

As long as play can be conducted safely we play.  If there is lightning, suspend play.  If  the rain is coming down heavily seek shelter and determine field conditions after the rain passes. 

4 innings is considered a complete game or if you have completed 3.5 with the home team ahead, it should be considered a complete game.